Dr. Lupinacci of Villanova University discussed fields that apply math and statistics concepts
Once a month, the mathematically interested students of Malvern meet in Duffy’s band room to hear notable mathematicians speak about their life work. Known as Mathematical Connections, this creation of Rev. Dr. Oechsle engages the curiosity of his many students.
This month, the speaker was Dr. Lupinacci of Villanova University Department of Mathematics and Statistics, a notable statistician who works with pharmaceutical companies to pioneer new drugs and bring them to market.
Dr. Lupinacci believes that not only are statistics quickly growing in applications and opportunities, but that statistics can be applied to every field of study in the modern world. “Statistics are used everywhere; anywhere where data is collected there is a need to analyze the data. There is a need for people who can actually analyze the data.”
Dr. Lupinacci presented statisticians almost as parasites: mathematicians who find their living inside the work of others. “With a degree in statistics you can get a job in anything…I’m a medical idiot, but I am able to see my math and stat help improve other people’s’ lives.”
It’s true. Dr. Lupinacci’s math has been a key component of the dynamic pharmaceutical industry. Without an advanced knowledge of biology, his work in designing and analyzing clinical trials is absolutely essential towards bringing new drugs to market.
The world of medicine isn’t the only host these mathematical parasites have found, Dr. Lupinacci demonstrated how statisticians are employed by Google, anthropologists and archeologists, investors, and of course, the world of sports.
Lupinacci himself became involved in statistics through a childhood obsession with baseball stats. Years later, when he took a statistics course in school, he “fell in love with the world of statistics”.
Dr. Lupinacci encouraged anyone who is interested in statistics to take the AP class, as it is certainly valuable towards college. The AP Statistics test is increasing in popularity faster than any other math AP, as countless new high schools offer it each year. Dr. Lupinacci described what he called “an explosion in stat”, a huge boom of students taking statistics courses across America. But still, this is nowhere near enough potential workers to fill the many statistics careers in our world.
December’s Mathematical Connections was on statistics, but the field of study changes with each month. The upcoming year is filled with a diversity of speakers: astronomers, pilots, as well as physicists will soon be visiting. If you’re interested in attending, just send an email to Dr. J at [email protected].