Meet your new student council officers and learn their plans for next year

Malvern’s campus was full of intensity after the Student Council speeches in the Duffy Arts Center on March 6. Ryan Doane was elected Student Council President; Peter Calvaresi, Vice President; Pat Coffey, Events Chair; and John Ianuzzi, Secretary. The Student Body is expecting a lot from these new elected members and hopefully, they will follow through.
All the candidates posted posters across campus. Some these posters had familiar slogans such as: “Vote for ‘X’ to be your President!”, “‘Y’ will take you all the way!”, and signs of the like could be seen before the biggest day for the candidates. March 7 was the actual day that the Student Body got to vote. Ballots were cast at lunch periods.
In an interview with Secretary-Elect John Ianuzzi, he said that “… [giving the speeches] was definitely the hardest part about running, but it was the most enjoyable. It was really intimidating, but, looking back, it was so fun.” The speeches were laced with comedy, as the candidates saw it as a viable tool of persuasion.
What makes a perfect candidate? In the words of John Ianuzzi, a perfect candidate must have “Leadership skills, and be someone who can be open to all ideas. A candidate must also be able to relate to the school and have a good understanding of what they want and he must also strongly stand for what he believes in.”
When asked the same question, Events Chair-Elect Patrick Coffey said that patience and responsibility are also needed characteristics, saying that “… ideas and opinions will not come to fruition overnight, it will take some time. [Responsibility is also important] because you are responsible for making sure all your duties for you respective area are fulfilled and completed to the best of your ability.”
When asked why he ran, Ianuzzi said that he wanted to “… assist in Malvern’s most memorable year yet.” He said that he chose to run for Secretary because as Secretary, he would “plan and organize and facilitate all student councils sponsored events and fundraisers. I would also account for all student council funds, and take good notes during meetings, file the paperwork and make copies.”
Coffey said he decided to run because “… I thought I had some good ideas that the student body would enjoy. I wanted to represent the student body and make sure that their opinions and ideas would be heard.”
Ryan Doane, who won the election for President, was especially happy to win. When asked what he planned to do next year, he said “I definitely want to make changes to make the Malvern atmosphere more fun for everyone. I also really want to leave a mark on Student Council that will lead to new traditions.”
With the rapid changes coming not only to the schedule, but to the campus itself, Student Council leaders have the opportunity to play an important role in decisions. The students who won were very excited. Even though Phil Daubney lost his election for Events Chair, he still wishes the best for the school as a whole. “I wish all the best for the electees.”