Studying towards priesthood, Brother Bill is currently enjoying teaching Malvern freshmen.
Brother Bill was born into a well-set, Catholic family who were very involved in his Parish. He started out as an undergraduate student at Villanova, and through his religious journey, he has been called to serve at Malvern Prep, where he is enjoying his time teaching freshmen theology.
Growing up in Dover, New Hampshire, Brother Bill had a great childhood and upbringing.
“It was a good experience. I went to private grade school, Catholic school, and then went to a Catholic diocesan high school up in New Hampshire,” Br. Bill said.
He grew up in a loving, Catholic family who were avid participants in church activities.
“I was very privileged in that sense and very fortunate growing up,” Br. Bill said. “I am very grateful for that, but it has also made me very mindful of the responsibility that comes with that sort of upbringing and to serve and be generous.”
Starting out at Villanova University, Brother Bill majored in theology.
“I did my undergrad in theology because I enjoyed it, and I was decently good at it,” Br. Bill said.
Brother Bill was hired as a basketball coach for Archmere Academy in Claymont, Delaware. Later on, he was hired as the director for campus ministry at Archmere Academy and taught theology.
“After three years total at Archmere, I ended up discerning to join the Augustinians,” Br. Bill said.
Brother Bill has been in formation with the Augustinians since 2015, and his journey has taken him many different places.
“That formation process has been a year at Villanova studying philosophy,” Br. Bill said. “Then a contemplative year away in Wisconsin.”
His year at Wisconsin consisted of minimal technology, a lot of quiet time, and other interior reflection and prayer.
“At the end of that year, which would have been 2016 or 2017, I ended up professing vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, temporarily, so they only last one year,” Br. Bill said.
Next, Brother Bill studied theology at a graduate school in Chicago. His graduate school led him to Malvern Prep.
“That led me to this year, which is a ministry year where you are sent out by your formation director for the Augustinians and your provincial, who would be my superior. They both decided there was a need here at Malvern for a year of ministry, so they said can you go there,” Br. Bill said.
Brother Bill has been impressed with Malvern’s campus and how welcoming the students have been. He noticed one important thing about Malvern’s all-boys education.
“I do definitely see a positive fraternity of guys willing to feel more comfortable, to engage in any sort of sport, any sort of performing arts. To engage in those activities I think was not always the case in co-educational schools. But there are maybe a different set of peer pressures with the two genders,” Br. Bill said.
Trusting God’s plan for him, Brother Bill has high hopes for his future calling towards becoming an Augustinian Friar.
“In five years my hope is that I will be, God-willing, ordained as a priest, and a Friar, solemnly professed, but I’m still in that moment of discernment,” Br. Bill said. “But at the end of the day, I think from where I am now, where I sit now, from how I feel now, my hope is that I would be ordained, solemnly professed as an Augustinian Friar and either sent to an educational institution or do further studies in theology.”