Christmas is a big time for Malvern, whether the student body is preparing for the holiday season or celebrating our fellow Friar brothers. It is also time for our annual Christmas dodgeball tournament, which the middle school does every year right before Christmas break. The teams are mixed between all three grades and each team has a certain theme or color that the team wears. The Middle School Student Leadership team is the group who plans this event.
Ms. DePiero is the co-moderator for the Middle School Student Leadership team and one of the head people behind planning this event. When asked about how to reserve a space like O’Neill she said, “When trying to reserve a O’Neill, we contact Mr. Kinney and Mr. Stewart and I want the students to take initiative to send those emails to reserve the space.” When asked about how to plan such an event she said, “We list all that we need for events like reserving the space or making the playlist for dodgeball and reaching out to Mr. Miller for equipment. The student leaders also make sure that the teams are balanced.”
Arman Patel, who is a member of the Student Leadership Team, says one way he contributes to Student Leadership is by planning the events. Arman also adds, “One way of being a leader is by helping others.” When asked about what Christmas dodgeball contributes to Malvern, Arman replied by saying, “It helps increase Malvern spirit by helping bond students together who otherwise would not be friends.
One thing is certain that all the middle schoolers are all very excited for the Christmas Dodgeball Tournament. Everyone will be ecstatic to come back to school in 2024 and the student leadership will be always planning fun events to keep the middle schoolers interested.