“A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way,” said Algeo, quoting the author John C. Maxwell as he led the induction ceremony for 2014-2015 Student Council.
The October 6 induction ceremony was a feature of the regular Monday morning chapel service, which was moved to the Duffy Center for the occasion.
The senior Student Council executive board leaders were sworn in first. President Ryan Doane, Vice President Peter Calveressi, Secretary John Iannuzzi, and Events Chair Pat Coffey took an oath of office
Grade representatives Doug Corsi ’15, Doug Mullano ’15, Brendan O’Connor ’15, Jaxson Hoey ’16, Kevin Smyth ’16, Sam Stroud ’16, Ryan Franks ’17, Alex Reber ’17, Jack Magargee ’18, Sean Oates ’18, and Louis Margay ’18 were sworn in next. Sophomore, junior, and senior grade representatives were elected at the end of last year, while freshman representatives were elected at the beginning of this year in homeroom elections.
Malvern’s Student Council “promotes school spirit, fosters leadership, and encourages participation in activities,” according to Mavern’s website. The website also notes that Student Council acts as the liaison between administration and students, initiates new policies for administrative approval, arranges dances and activities, and serves as the corporate leader of the student community.
What will this year’s student council do to enhance student life on campus? President Ryan Doane said, “We already implemented a lot of new change to add a lot of competition. We added the Kings of the Campus. I definitely think this is gonna be the best year yet. We have a great group of guys, and we’re working really hard.”
“We don’t want to settle for anything average,” said Doane. “Everything we used to do we’re trying to take to the next level, and add some new things just to try and get it to the next level.”