Find out what makes this club one of the most prominent in Malvern culture.
Trivia, teamwork, travel, and take out. Academic Competition has been one of Malvern’s biggest and most active clubs since mybeginning at Malvern four years ago.
Currently, the Ac Comp team is described as the best that Malvern has ever had. The thirty plus participants in Ac Comp come in early two days a week at 7:30 for practice. In a normal practice session, students answer question that the moderators, Mrs. Gordon and Mr. Bohannon, have heard from previous meets.
Malvern participates in four Ac Comp meets once a month against various schools in the area. Everyone on the team gets a chance to compete on stage. After the meets, students usually go out for lunch before coming to Malvern. Pepper Mill seems to be the place of choice.
The Friars Lantern asked a few participants their opinion of the club;
“We have a great time competing for fun and enjoying the experience of getting to travel to different schools to display and then use our knowledge to earn points for our team.” – Conor Bradley, Senior Participant
“Currently, we have the best team that we have ever had, and if we do well in our last meet we could make the playoffs.” – Ryan Robinson, Senior Participant
“There’s great camaraderie among the team. We gain knowledge but have fun with the whole experience.” – Ryan Bradley, Senior Participant
“I would say that academic comp is a way to build your knowledge, and an easy way to stay sharp.” – Alex Yablonski, Sophomore Participant
“To me Academic Competition offers a new challenge to compete with other schools around the region. Although we are not the best team [in the area], we have the most heart, and our team is becoming stronger every day. “– Michael Stangis, Junior Participant.
Ac Comp has proven to be one of the highly sought after clubs that give students the ability to learn, compete, and have fun.