Technology support specialist describes what he’s learned at Malvern, and what we might not know about the technology staff.

We chose Technology Support Specialist Mr. Nate Duane as May’s hero of the issue. Mr. Duane is known around campus for his friendly and helpful approach to supporting faculty and students with technology. He weighed in on technology, music, and aspects of his career in our interview.
What is your title and job description?
My title is Technology Support Specialist and my job description is mostly repair of all the information technology on campus. So basically when things break I go and fix it. In more common terms you often hear of IT help desk that have a tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 [system]. They really help fix technology for people. I would be more a Tier 1 and Tier 2. I have been here about a year and a half.
What was your background before Malvern?
Before Malvern I actually worked at Geek Squad, and before that I worked at an IT help desk at West Chester University, where I went to college.
What was your original call to be in IT?
It’s kind of hard to say. I remember going to college and not really knowing what I wanted to do. And I slowly started getting into computers and started to enjoy what I could do with them. After messing around with them for a little, something clicked.
Do you have a preference between Mac or Windows?
If you had asked me that question 5 years ago I would say windows without a doubt, but as I use both systems more I realize that they are machines. Some are better at doing tasks than others. So overall I don’t really have a preference.
What are some of your hobbies?
Mostly PC gaming. That takes up most of my time outside of here. I’ll read, and that’s about it.
How have you grown in your profession since being at Malvern?
Being here at Malvern has taught me a lot about the personal side of IT. There is of course working with computers and fixing them, but their are also people behind the machines, and being here has really taught me how to work with that side of IT.
Is there any specific music that you enjoy?
I listen to a lot of electronic music, and beyond that I do like a little classical music now and then, and some rap.
What doesn’t Malvern know about the IT department?
When we get a notice that something goes wrong, we do try our best to fix everything as best we can, but sometimes we cannot. If we get an issue like the printer in the LC where everything is wrong and nothing is coming out, we understand and we plan to fix it right away, but sometimes we are in the middle of something that is more important than that. So, we have to take care of that first.
If you had to cut off one of your limbs which one would you cut off?
Probably my leg. I couldn’t live without my hands.