Student Council President Rich Heany shares an update on the Student Council.
At the beginning of this school year, the student council is already getting started on planning events coming up this year like D-schedule tournaments, Spirit Week, and the Cares Walk.
On September 14, the Student Council had their first meeting.
“We basically planned out what we’re doing at the beginning of the year,” Heany said.
According to Heaney, upcoming events include the freshman class representative elections, a D-schedule tournament, the Cares Walk, and possibly even the Color Run.
“We’re having our freshman count next Tuesday to see what freshman are interested in being on student council. That’s upcoming,” he said. “Then we are planning stuff out for Spirit Week, The Cares Walk, and maybe doing the Color Run.”
“We’re going to try to do that, but we’re not sure if we can. Then we have our first D-schedule that we’re in the process of planning for the 30th. We think it’s going to be handball,” Heany said.
Because of his status, many seniors have been hounding him about bringing back a senior lounge, which is what he wants to implement most during his time as Student Council President.
“Well right now first thing is the Senior Lounge. It’s still early, but we were doing some of that today,” Heany said. “That’s what everyone wants right now, at least the seniors.”
Other events that he wants to see on the calendar are D-schedules that aren’t completely focused on sports tournaments.
“As for everything else, we are trying to implement new stuff like new D-schedules that aren’t all athletics. I’m pretty excited about that,” he said.
Heany thinks that his current staff of Student Council members are a great group of guys who can do a lot to make this a good year.
“I’m really excited about who we have, and I think we can come up with a bunch of new ideas and make this school year better than the last,” Heany said.