Good Morning, Malvern! Today is Monday, October 28.
It is a Day 1–B Schedule
**Anti Human Trafficking Task Force**
The Anti Human Trafficking Task Force will meet tomorrow, October 29th, during ninth period in the Learning Commons. Please see Mr. Bocutti, Mrs. Wilkinson, or Mrs. Kenworthey if you are not able to attend.
**Mock Trial**
Mock Trial will practice with the attorney advisor tomorrow, October 29, at 7:30 AM in Tolentine 331. Please be on time.
**Driver’s Ed**
Driver’s Ed classes will be held at Malvern beginning December 2. Information has been sent to all 9th and 10th grade homes and also sent to your Malvern email account.
Your Homeroom teachers will also have some applications available.
See Mr. Redican if you have any questions.