The younger of the two Wolfe brothers at Malvern, Colin is a humble, hard-working, and hilarious student athlete.
Colin Wolfe is a sophomore here at Malvern Prep. He was born and raised in West Chester, PA. He attended St. Agnes School in West Chester from Pre-K through 8th grade, and came to Malvern as a freshman.
He has two siblings: his older brother, Billy, is a senior here at Malvern, and his younger sister, Kaelyn, is in sixth grade at St. Agnes.
This year at Malvern, Colin is a member of the junior varsity basketball and baseball teams. He says he enjoys sports in general, and also likes the hard work and dedication that goes into being an athlete.
“I really like practicing and preparing for [basketball and baseball], and just trying to get better,” Wolfe said.
Wolfe’s favorite subject in school this year is American Literature with Mr. Sammartino. He is enjoying school this year, a change from his previous years a student.
“I actually really like coming to school,” Wolfe said. “Before I came to Malvern, I didn’t as much.”
Coming to Malvern and getting used to it was one of Wolfe’s biggest challenges in his memory.
“The transition to high school was really hard for me, since my middle school was so much different,” Wolfe said. “Now, everything’s going really well.”
He also explained how his family is very religious.
“My family and I are pretty devout Catholics, so we go to church a lot,” Wolfe said.
Not only is his family religious, but they are all very close and tend to do a lot of things together.
“We’ll always go see cousins and grandparents, who we are really close with too,” Wolfe said.
Colin has an extra special relationship with his brother, Billy. Billy went on to explain how close they really are.
“We hang out all the time, both forced and unforced,” he said. “We’re very close, and we hear from a lot of people that we’re very similar. He’s one of my best friends.”
Billy also admires some of Colin’s characteristics.
“He’s one of the funniest people I know. He’s athletic, and he is a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for. But he is one funny dude,” he said.
Since Billy is a senior, he is going off to Boston College next year. Since the brothers are so close, Colin is trying to prepare for when he leaves.
“Bill and I are very close and I do a lot with him, so I will miss him,” Wolfe said. “I plan to visit him anytime I can.”
One of Colin’s best friends who went to St. Agnes with him, sophomore Kevin Meehan, holds him in high regard.
“We’re like brothers,” Meehan said. “I’ve known him since kindergarten at St. Agnes, and we’ve had some great times.”
Meehan also proceeded to describe Colin in a very unique way.
“On a bad, stormy, or cloudy day, Colin would be the rainbow that comes out after the storm is over,” Meehan said.