Good Morning Malvern! Today is Monday, January 13.
It is a Day 3, B Schedule.
**March for Life**
Permission slips for the March for Life are due by today. Please submit them to Mr. Boyce, Mr. DiDominico, or Mr. Haynie.
**Mock Trial**
Practice for all Mock Trial participants will take place tomorrow at 7:30 AM in room Tolentine 331.
Please be on time; this meeting is for ALL participants.
Games will be played in Dougherty Hall. Please be punctual.
Today, January 13th
Game 1: 3:05 Dirty Mark and The Boys v. Las Vegas PD
Game 2: 3:20 Team Freud v. Let’s Get Smexy
Tomorrow, January 14th
Game 1: 2:55 Team Sudjian v. Lavish Gang
Game 2: 3:20 Frazer Lanes v. The Freaky Dan Clan
**Anti Human-Trafficking Club**
The Anti Human-Trafficking Club will meet tomorrow (Jan. 14) in Carney 303 during ninth period. Please see Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Boccuti, or Mrs. Kenworthey if you cannot attend.