Good Morning Malvern! Today is Tuesday, January 28.
It is a Day 6, A Schedule.
**Physics Olympics**
Physics Olympics will begin meeting again to prepare for the final meet on Saturday
March 1st at Interboro HS. Meetings will take place in Sullivan 341 during 9th period on
Mondays and Wednesdays.
If you are interested in building a basswood bridge or an electric car for the competition,
please see Mrs. Mulcahy to obtain the materials and copy of the rules.
**Championship Jackets**
GOLF, WATER POLO and CROSS COUNTRY Championship Jackets have arrived.
Please stop by the Campus Store to pick up your jacket.
**Speech and Debate Team**
On Thursday, January 30, during ninth period, there will be a meeting for all speech
and debate members who will be competing in the tournament on February 6 at Marple
Newtown HS. The meeting will be in Carney 303. If you want to compete in this
tournament but cannot attend the meeting, you must email Mrs. Kenworthey or speak
with her directly before Thursday.