Good Morning, Malvern! Today is Friday, March 21.
It is a Day 5, D Schedule
**Leadership Survey**
Students and Faculty are asked to complete a survey on TwentyFirst Century leadership
that was sent to their Malvern Email accounts. Please complete this as soon as possible.
Today, the Tennis team will practice at TENNIS ADDICTION in Exton, PA from 3:004:30
pm. A bus has been reserved for the Tennis Team to go to Tennis Addiction. The bus will
depart from the O’Neill lot at Malvern promptly at 3:15 pm. Parents may pick up players
after practice at 4:30 p.m.
**Christian Service**
Sign up to work Evanfest in Mr. Legner’s office today. This is your last chance to get
service hours at a Malvern event. All freshmen need 10 hours of service. All sophomores
and juniors need one service activity. Service logs are due April 23 and can be found in
Theology classrooms. Fill it out, get it signed, and return it to your Theology teacher. If you
are not sure how many hours you have completed, email or speak with Mrs. Miele, Mr.
Legner’s assistant.
**Middle School Ice Hockey**
The Malvern Prep middle school ice hockey team is playing in the AAA championship on
Monday, March 24, at 8:15 at Iceline. They are undefeated in the double elimination
playoffs. GO FRIARS!
**Student council**
The Student Council is sponsoring a shoe drive from Monday, March 24, to Friday, March
28. Please place new or gently used men’s, women’s, or children’s shoes in the boxes
located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of Carney or in Good Counsel. There will be a dress
down day for the shoe drive on TUESDAY, March 25. Please make sure that the pairs of
shoes stay together by using a rubber band, string or a plastic bag. See John Monday with
any questions.