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Student of the Issue: Peter Jones

Peter Jones has completed his coursework for Malvern and will begin the 2024 spring semester as a Freshman at Notre Dame. The MP community will feel his absence, and the weight room will be a much quieter place.
Student of the Issue: Peter Jones

Since his freshman year, Jones has been putting in the work. Peter was heavily involved in many extracurricular activities. He played football, lifting, shot put, and he had solid academics. As Jones further matured, he enjoyed sharing his knowledge with underclassmen and anyone interested in lifting. Ronan Burke, a Malvern freshman and avid football player, shares his experience with Peter and how he assisted him in the weight room.

“He introduced me to [many] exercises that helped me with my position and helped me become a better athlete. He taught me about form, how to lift better, [and] how to get more gains. He’s always willing to help people, [and] he will stop what he’s doing just to help you – he’s just a nice guy,” Burke said. 

Peter is very encouraging on and off the field. Ennis Udo, a Senior football captain, explains how Peter was a huge lower and upper-school example.

“On the field, he’s a presence. Off [the field], he is an example for not only younger guys but even guys like me. [He] motivates me and the team to put in actual work and get better,” Udo said.

Peter Jones started playing flag football in fourth grade and later tackle in fifth grade. He had many inspirations and people to look up to when playing football.

“My brother [got me into football], and then just watching it on the TV and seeing other people playing it.”

In addition to being serious about his performance on the football field, Peter takes his health and nutrition very seriously. He eats throughout the day at Malvern and often it’s foods and meals he has cooked and prepared for himself. You can even catch Peter eating a quick meal during passing time. He loves and enjoys every meal he creates. Mrs. Kathryn Wolstenholme, an Upper School English teacher, had Peter in her English class for three years. 

“I allowed Peter to eat a full meal every day in my class last year, all while doing great work and keeping my classroom tidy. Sometimes it was steak and potatoes, sometimes it was an omelet and pancakes, it depended on the time of day. But he was always eating something nutritious that he had cooked,” Wolstenholme said.

Other teachers and coaches also acknowledged Peter’s care and work ethic. Mr. Carroll, Malvern’s offensive line coach, said,

“He’s [earnest] on and off the field. One of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen here. Not only in his demeanor but taking his future very seriously. There’s the natural leadership, the work ethic, [and] the attitude he brings to the weight room and to practice is contagious for the rest of the team as well.” 

Malvern’s football coaching staff watched Peter succeed in many ways on and off the field. Malvern’s Head Football Coach Dave Gueriera, shared his thoughts on Peter and the impact he left on the team. 

“Peter is a tireless worker. He has a work ethic that I have not seen in any plates I’ve had for 22 years of coaching. I think his drive to succeed is something I have not seen in many high school players. His work ethic just kind of puts him over the top. He had a huge effect on the team. We ran for over 2,000 yards in the season, and he was a part of a really good offensive line this year that did a great job of opening running lanes. Peter was a very steady contributor all year and integral to the success of our rushing offense,” Gueriera said.

While Peter’s Malvern football career has ended, he has many memories to look back on.

“[Malvern Football] was amazing. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of guys and coaches. I think Malvern Prep Football players have the closest bond and relationships with each other more than any other sport. I think this showed when we played this season,” Jones said. 

Although Mr. Carroll is sad to see Peter go, he is very proud of the impact he left on the team.

“[He’s] been a really great leader for the younger guys on the team,” Carroll said. “Peter’s impact and contributions to the team will continue and his dedication to hard work, nutrition, and excellence in the weight room will no doubt take him far as he becomes one of the Fighting Irish at Notre Dame.”

“I think Peter is an awesome kid. He set a goal when he got here and he achieved it. Peter is a really special guy and I think he’s gonna go on to do great things. He left a really impressive legacy behind here at Malvern,” Gueriera said.

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