The following candidate is running for Student Council Executive Board Secretary.
Ron Marine
I am running for the office of secretary. It will be my responsibility to communicate with the larger Malvern community about the things that are going on in student council.
Q: What are the three most important things you would like to accomplish as a member of Malvern Student Council?
A: I want there to be more of a connection between the student body and the student government. I want to accomplish a greater communication between the two parties so that student council doesn’t seem like some sort of entity that doesn’t actually do much for the students. One of the other things that I’m hoping to push for as for the cafeteria to be open (small snacks) for purchase during study halls. A lot of people may not have the time to eat breakfast or break and I think it’s important for hardworking students to be properly nourished. I would also like for a more educated discussion about diversity. We all know we’re lacking in this department, but I think it should be something that we’re open to talk about. You can really learn from someone who is completely different than you.
Q; What are some of your strengths and interests?
A: I take good notes and I’m pretty good at history.
Q: What are some of the challenges you see facing Malvern?
A: Obviously with any school there are going to be some challenges, but at Malvern, fortunately the challenges aren’t unbearable. One thing that I see may be a challenge is student involvement. I understand how hard it is to be enthusiastic about something you don’t feel a part of anyway, but when everyone at Malvern is on the same page, great things can happen.
Q: Why are you interested in running for executive board? What does it mean to be a student leader at Malvern?
A: Honestly, it would be an honor to be a student leader at Malvern. I’ve been here since sixth grade and looked up to a lot of the leaders that have come before me, and I think it says something about someone’s character if they can be a leader at this school. My main interest in being a part of student council is that I can really have a say, and give a voice to people who don’t about topics that I think are important.
Q: Would it be difficult coming into office without any previous Student Council experience?
A: I really don’t think it will be difficult adjusting to student council without any prior experience. I’m pretty easy to talk to and agreeable, and I’ve had to make decisions before so I don’t think it will be a problem.
Q. How do you plan to spark excitement/interest out of the student body next year?
One of the ways I hope to spark interest out of the student body is just by being accessible and communicating frequently with the student body. I really want anyone to feel comfortable coming up to me and asking questions or stating their complaints.
Q: Do any faculty members, alumni, current students, or famous figures inspire you?
Mason Abate, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, MLK jr, JAY Z.