To the delight to every sci-fi nerd on campus, as well as Maxwell Talbot, a new Star Wars is on the horizon, led by Disney.
Set to hit theaters in December 2015, the Star Wars hype train is chugging along. Mark Hammill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Leia Organa), and Harrison Ford (Han Solo) are all set to reprise their roles in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, directed by JJ Abrams. Abrams, who directed the new Star Trek films, has set a reputation for himself as a quality sci-fi director.
The new Star Wars film is set 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, and presents as the first of a new trilogy. In addition to the aging original cast members, expect to see Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO reprise their roles.
The rights to the movies were purchased by Disney in 2012. There have been doubts as to whether or not the family movie studio can live up to the massive hype surrounding the new films.
Although the film is set to hit theaters on December 18, there is already a buzz for the movie on campus.

Rob DiCicco, ’16
What are you looking forward to most?
DiCicco: Well, I really want to see Darth Vader make a return. Just take over some planets and stuff, just like assert his dominance in a movie from his perspective.
Do you think JJ Abrams and Disney can make a good movie?
DiCicco: They have an excellent track record. It’d be amazing to see what they could do based on what they have done.
Should Jar Jar Binks return to the movies?
DiCicco: Oh, absolutely. He brings that X-Factor and brings the movie to new heights.

Alex Strimmel, ‘18:
What are you looking forward to most in the new movie?
Strimmel: I like to see a lot of the old characters come back to the movies. I think a lot of the fans can kind of relate to them with the previous movies.
Do you think JJ Abrams and Disney can make a good movie?
Strimmel: I’m not sure how good the Disney version is going to be. I know the original ones were really good, and I think it’s going to be hard for Disney to live up to it. We’ll have to see.
Should Jar Jar Binks return to the movies?
Strimmel: I do. Definitely.

Amir Webb, ‘17:
What are you looking forward to most in the new Star Wars movie?
Amir: Honestly I think it’s seeing everyone come back to their roles, and see how they pull it off.
Do you think JJ Abrams and Disney can make a good movie?
Webb: I hope so, especially since the last three weren’t so hot.
Should Jar Jar Binks return?
Webb: Nothing would make me happier than if Jar Jar Binks was never seen again.

Shane Ianuzzi, ‘17:
What are you looking forward to most in the new movie?
Ianuzzi: The new animation stuff is probably going to be a lot better.
Do you think JJ Abrams and Disney can make a new movie?
Ianuzzi: Yes I do.
Should Jar Jar Binks return to the movies?
Ianuzzi: Definitely.