Good Morning, Malvern! Today is Friday, November 8.
It is a Day 4–A Schedule
**Halloween costume Winners**
Bernard Williams (dressed as a Villa girl),
Tommy Pero (dressed as Indiana Jones)
Matt Daller (dressed as a Villa girl)
Tommy Ferrari (dressed as Ferris Bueller’s friend, Cameron)
**Intramural Games**
Monday Game Schedule at 3:15 on turf
First Round of Playoffs
8- State VS 9- Team Buderi
5- Cobras VS 12/13- Ballhawks/ Ceramics 1
6- Money Manziel VS 11- Average Joes
7- Team 1 VS Chuck’s Team
Winners get Tee-Shirts!!
**Chess Club**
The Chess Club will meet today during 9th period in the Learning Commons. All are invited to attend.
**Mock Trial**
All participants are asked to please download the case materials from today, and we will meet on Tuesday at 7:30 in Room 331 Tolentine with our attorney advisor.
**Chapel Services**
Now that the Chapel has reopened, we are back to having Communion Services at the beginning of Break. We also have Daily Mass at 7:30 AM in the Chapel. All are welcome!
**Learning Commons**
The LC will be closed Tuesday, November 12th, from 7:30 AM until 10:00 AM for a Board of Trustees meeting. Additionally, the LC will close at 4:30 PM that afternoon.
**Physics Olympics**
The next Physics Olympics meet is Saturday December 14th at Interboro HS. Anyone interested in participating is invited to our practice sessions every Monday and Wednesday during 9th period in Sullivan 341. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mulcahy.
**Driver’s Ed**
Driver’s Ed classes will be held at Malvern beginning December 2. Information has been sent to all 9th and 10th grade homes and also sent to your Malvern email account.
Your Homeroom teachers will also have some applications available.
See Mr. Redican if you have any questions