If there is not a genuinely good reason for doing something, why do it?
We all know the old saying “Actions speak louder than words.” For me, actions are easily muted when not backed with the right intentions.
When you’re walking on campus and you see a teacher, you might say “Hi, how are you?”
How often do you actually care?
Do you do it because you’re curious or because it feels expected?
What are your intentions?
Do me a favor and carry those three questions with you as you read the remainder of this column. Question yourself and your intentions for doing certain things throughout and I promise you will start to think about them differently.
I know that many Malvern students joke about this newspaper. I hear things like “defund the BFC” and “liberal media” throughout the halls during the release of each new issue. With all (what I hope are) jokes aside, I feel lucky and grateful to have led a great team that shared a lot of content that mattered this year.
The BFC is the one club I joined at Malvern because I truly had a passion for it. I didn’t join because it would look good on a college transcript or because I wanted to be in a position of importance. And guess what? This is the club to which I dedicated the most time, and on which I had the most impact.
What I am trying to say is my intention wasn’t to get involved because it looked good for me to do so. I did it for myself. When you are truly passionate about something, you do the best work. You can’t fake passion and you certainly can’t fake good intentions.
I tried to diversify myself for college to such an extent that I spread myself too thin. And a little piece of advice: colleges will see through that. It’s easy to see what’s a true passion and what’s an attempt to make yourself look like something you’re not.
Even if you keep up the facade, you will eventually be figured out by the people who matter—parents, good friends, great teachers, and those who hold the keys to your next steps towards success.
Writing this, I look back on my high school experience. My joyous mood has turned a little somber and a tad bit regretful as I recount how I’ve spent my last four years.
I’ve spent most of my high school career crafting my college application rather than crafting memories. Forty years from now, I won’t be looking back at the clubs I half-heartedly participated in or the math grade I harassed the teacher to raise two-tenths of a point. I will desperately seek out the Malvern memories that, for me, are unfortunately few and far between.
I know this is something you have heard before, and if you have made it to this point in the column I am extremely grateful. The intention of this column is to hopefully show you that a devout perfectionist and overachiever (myself) regrets how he spent a lot of his time in high school.
I was so focused on the next four years of my life in college that I let what should have been the best four years of my life at Malvern slip right through my fingers. Even though it seems I participated in a lot, there is so much more I wish that I had done. Because ultimately, most of what I did at this school wasn’t for me or my brothers. It was for the college admissions officer reading my application.
The freshman year me had no idea that after gaining admission to the university I dreamed of attending for years, I would actually be upset! I received my acceptance December 9, and ever since that day I haven’t been looking forward to it. I’ve been dreading that I have such little time left at Malvern.
I’ve written about the brotherhood many times. I know that it’s present, but I never really sought it out until the end of my junior year. This year has been absolutely amazing and unforgettable. I have made connections that will last a lifetime.
I just wish I would have become immersed in Malvern sooner.
I wish that I didn’t treat my time at Malvern as an audition for my future university.
I’ll hit you with another saying that you’ve definitely heard before: “Life’s too short.” Usually that phrase is followed up with something like “…to hold grudges” or “…to be sad.” Nope. You can end it right the hell there.
Life is too short. Period.
It is a waste of precious time to be concerned with how you are viewed in the eyes of others. Your actions and intentions should never be a result of another person’s opinion. If you are not doing something because you want to, or because it will help someone you care about, don’t do it.
I would have been scared out of my mind for college if I didn’t change my perception before applying. I’m not sure if the fake Tyler was ready for college and I’m not sure if he was capable of doing the great things people are expecting him to do.
But get this.
When I applied to college, I left out all the clubs and activities to which didn’t truly devote time. I didn’t say I went to three speech and debate competitions or that I was active in the stock market club because I wasn’t truly passionate about them. I showed them the real me and if they wanted me, cool; if they didn’t, it wasn’t the right fit for me.
Guess what? The college accepted me for who I truly am. I know that they want the real Tyler Pizzico and I know that there are no unrealistic expectations of me.
My intention in writing this isn’t completely selfless. I needed this to solidify the decision I have made to pursue what truly matters to me and, in writing this, it became pretty apparent I made the right choice.
If you have read to the very end, please take something from this. If you behave the same way I did for a majority of your high school experience, you may be looking back just days before your graduation with the same regret I now feel.
It’s a bit of tradition to give three tips to the Malvern guys when concluding one of these columns. You don’t need three; you need one:
Be yourself, for yourself.
Thanks Malvern. I never would have found my true self without you. Much Caritas.
Juli Bennett • May 25, 2017 at 9:48 am
Wow, very insightful for everyone. There are adults who in life are still doing what looks good to others instead of what they are truly passionate about. Kudos to you Tyler for recognizing and taking action on what you are passionate about in life. The BFC has probably prepared you for life better than any class you could’ve taken at MP. Working well with others, having deadlines, making decision and giving direction all to produce a paper that is not graded anywhere else but in your own mind will serve you well as you go off to college and in life. You have done an amazing job this year. Good Luck and embrace your new adventure.