Good Morning, Malvern! Today is Wednesday, December 4.
It is a Day 5–A Schedule.
**Freshmen PE**
All 9th grade students are to report to the pool today at 2:45 for a mandatory meeting for
your SCUBA PE class. Please report to the O’Neill pool balcony!
**Speech and Debate**
The Speech and Debate team will meet during 9th period on Thursday, December 5,
in Carney 303. Members who cannot attend the meeting must see Mrs. Kenworthey
before then to sign up for the Interboro HS tournament on December 12 or the Rustin
HS tournament on December 18.
The local service sites information has been hung up in the hallway of Carney on the
2nd and 3rd floors. These are for sophomore service group 2 and junior service groups
1 and 2. Please find your name and read the instructions so you know how to dress
and if you need a lunch.
**Anti Human-Trafficking Club**
The Anti Human-Trafficking Club will meet in Carney 303 during 9th period on Tuesday,
December 10. New members are encouraged to attend.
**Best Nest**
Please remember that the Homeroom toy collection for the Best Nest children ends
on Friday, December 13. Collected toys should be wrapped and bagged (Mr. Legner
provided large, black, plastic bags) by the end of Homeroom.
**Spring Musical Auditions**
Auditions for the spring musical West Side Story will be held this Saturday, December
7 beginning at 12:30pm. Audition information has been sent to your Malvern email
accounts. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Fry.
**Driver’s Ed**
Drivers’ ed classes scheduled to begin yesterday have been postponed until Monday
December 9. Classes will meet in Room 340 Sullivan Hall at 3:30.
There is still time to register for this class. Please contact Mr. Scott Seibert at
[email protected] if you are interested. The classes will be held after school on
Mondays and Tuesdays beginning on December 9th.
**Physics Olympics**
There will be Physics Olympics practice everyday after school in room 341 to prep
for the next meet at Interboro HS on December 14th. Anyone with an interest in
building bridges, towers, launchers, or parachutes is welcome, no physics knowledge is
Please see Mrs. Mulcahy if you have any questions.