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[toggle title=”Shooting in San Bernardino kills 14″ state=”close”]
Gunmen opened fire in a home for the disabled Wednesday in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 and wounding 21 in what has been called an act of terrorism.
Married couple Syed Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a shootout with police after the attack.
This attack comes weeks after attacks in Paris killed over 100 people in a similar manner across the city, and heightened tensions regarding refugees fleeing war in the Middle East.
“This was an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people,” said President Obama in a primetime address to the nation Sunday. “Here’s what I want you to know. The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it.”
[toggle title=”Paris climate talks reach draft agreement” state=”close”]
A week into the climate talks in Paris has yielded a draft agreement, but problems between developing and developed nations remain.
The draft agreement, which is filled with brackets to show possible disagreements, was released on Friday.
Those attending the conference have until next Friday to try and iron out differences.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has also announced that a diverse group of government, business, city, and academia representatives will meet for two days in May in Washington to “maintain momentum for multi-stakeholder climate implementation.”
[toggle title=”Protests, police chief fired over killing of Laquan McDonald” state=”close”]
Chicago this week has faced a wave of unrest including the police chief being fired over the killing of black teen Laquan McDonald by a white police officer.
“The public trust in the [police] department has failed,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel when he announced the firing of Garry McCarthy as police chief.
Protesters, led by Rev. Jesse Jackson, has called for a special prosecutor in the trial for officer Jason Van Dyke, who allegedly shot McDonald more than a dozen times.
The Justice Department is also expect this week t0 begin its own investigation into the death of McDonald.
[toggle title=”French far right wins first round of regional elections” state=”close”]
In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, the far-right National Front Party won big in the first round of voting Sunday in two regional elections and leads by less in four other regions of France.
The Republicains, led by former president Nicolas Sarkozy, trailed in most regions behind the National Front. The ruling Socialist Party, led by president Francois Hollande, lagged farther behind.
Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, said that her party was “the only party that can reconquer the lost territories of the republic, of Calais, where we won 50 percent of the votes, or of the suburbs.”
The ruling Socialists have tried to calm fears of losing the election, as Senator Hélène Conway-Mouret said, “This is only the first round. One has to remember that the FN (National Front) may be ahead because they have gathered all the votes they can.”
[toggle title=”Venezuelan opposition wins majority in legislative elections” state=”close”]
In legislative elections Sunday the ruling Socialist Party, led by President Nicolás Maduro, was dealt a heavy blow as opposition parties have taken the majority in the legislature.
The Democratic Alliance Party has won at least 99 of the 167 seat National Assembly, with 22 seats too close to call.
The election comes amid an economic crisis in Venezuela, and resentment towards the Socialists, who have ruled Venezuela since 1999.
“We have lost a battle today, but the struggle to build a new society is just beginning,” Maduro said in reaction the results.