Grade: A
Jaw-dropping, mind-bending, and cringe-inducing, Gone Girl marks the fantastic return of The Social Network director David Fincher. The film circles around Nick Dunne, fearfully searching for his wife Amy. However, this is is not even close to the whole story.
Gone Girl provides an incredibly unpredictable plotline with enough tortuous twists to give audience members headaches. Not only will viewers leave the film confused, but they will be thinking about it long after the drive home. The movie presents Fincher at the top of his game, with a keen direction that is precise and sharp.
Although the film runs for 145 minutes, it goes by incredibly quickly. Just when one thinks something will happen, the opposite thing happens. The story is different from that which is introduced in the trailer, and this appears to be one of its greatest assets.
Gone Girl has a few minor flaws, in spite of a stellar cast and crew. Without giving away any plot details, I will say that there are inconsistencies with the character arcs of both Amy and Nick. When more about them is revealed, the more disrupted the flow of the story becomes.
With that being said, the less the audience knows about the film, the better the film is. Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, as well as unusual castings Neil Patrick Harris and Tyler Perry, all give killer performances (some more so than others). Well-crafted, smart, stylish, and nail-biting, Gone Girl is a worthy addition to the best films of 2014.