Now that you’ve gotten over your turkey coma, these are the stories that you missed.
[toggle title=”Shooting at Planned Parenthood kills 3″ state=”close”]
Robert Lewis Dear, 57, open fired in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Friday, which killed 3 and wounded 9.
The shooting comes at a time in which Planned Parenthood has been accused of selling harvested baby parts for profit, a claim which the organization denies. It has also stated that it will “never back away” from providing healthcare to women across the country.
There have also been allegations that Dear had said “no more baby parts” during his rampage, seemingly referencing the controversy.
Presidential candidates have weighed in on the shooting, and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee went so far as to call it domestic terrorism.
[toggle title=”Ben Carson visits Syrian refugees in Jordan” state=”close”]
In an attempt to silence fears of being weak on foreign policy, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson visited refugee camps in Jordan after Thanksgiving.
While there, Carson said that although the United States should be doing more to help the refugees of the civil war in Syria, there should be no effort to resettle them in the United States.
He went on to say that the refugee camps in Jordan, which house over 600,000 Syrian refugees, called the camps “quite nice”, complete with schools and recreation centers. He also said that Syrians have no desire to be resettled in the United States.
“The thing that I really learned in listening to the refugees themselves is their intense desire is to return to their country and repatriated,” Carson told CNN.
[toggle title=”Hundreds of thousands across the world march against climate change” state=”close”]
On the eve of a climate change conference in Paris, hundreds of thousands across the world took to the streets to protest the growing deterioration of the planet’s climate.
The conference will have leaders of over 150 countries meet in Paris to try and reach a historic deal on carbon emissions and other important climate issues.
The center of the protests was originally planned to be in Paris, but in the wake of the ISIS terror attacks, large protests had been banned by the French government. In response, protesters in at the Place de la Republique installed “marching shoes”, to represent those who would march, but weren’t able to.
Among the shoes were pairs representing Pope Francis and Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations.
The protests in Paris soon turned violent, however, as it has been reported that anarchists and other leftist groups took over the protests, leading to over 100 protestors being arrested.
[toggle title=”Donald Trump faces controversy over 9/11 comments” state=”close”]
Presidential candidate Donald Trump faces a new round of controversy this week following statements about the 9/11 terror attacks.
Last week at a rally, Trump had said that he had seen “thousands” of American Muslims celebrating the 9/11 terror attacks across the river from New York, a claim which fact checkers have debunked. Trump has since stood by his claims.
Trump cited New York Times writer Serge Kovaleski, who wrote in the Washington Post that police had detained Muslims that were allegedly celebrating the attacks.
When Kovaleski denied that his article backed up the claim, Trump attacked Kovaleski personally, seemingly mocking his congenital disability. Trump has since said that he could not have mocked Kovaleski’s disability, because he does not know him.
[toggle title=”New Hampshire Union Leader endorses Chris Christie for president” state=”close”]
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was endorsed by the New Hampshire Union Leader, a New Hampshire newspaper, Saturday.
The Union Leader is the newspaper for Manchester, the largest city in New Hampshire.
The paper endorsed Christie because of his track record on terrorism, as the 2016 race turns toward terror and security following the Paris attacks.
“Mr. Christie is right in these dangerous times,” the paper said in its editorial Saturday. “He has prosecuted terrorists and dealt with major disasters.”
The editorial also made took not-so subtle shots at other Republicans in the race, saying that the country didn’t need “fast-talking freshman senators” or “a well-meaning person from the private sector who has no public sector experience.”