From the high-pitched “amen” to close out the opening prayer to the constant stops in music, Malvern prom proves to remain a high-octane outing in the Malvern experience.
On Saturday, May 10, Malvern’s juniors and seniors gathered together at Drexelbrook Banquet Hall for a fun-filled and eventful prom.
It’s nearing the end of the 2013-14 school year, and the prom season has officially come and passed. The promposals were rampant, the drama was tense, and the Malvern men were rushed to get their tuxedos for the highly-anticipated gathering.
The night began with an opening prayer from Fr. Flynn, after which someone’s date screamed “amen” exuberantly. What proved to be the most interesting aspect of the event, however, was the dancing. No sooner had the lights dimmed when the seniors appeared on the ballroom floor to fist pump and make the most of their last night as high school students.
Unfortunately, the DJs and chaperones disapproved of the energy level brought to the floor as they feared for student safety, and they eventually had to stop the music to tell them to calm down.
“It was a really fun night, but I wish the music didn’t keep stopping, said senior Jake Reber. “Other than that, it was a great way to spend my last dance at Malvern.”
It appears that the seniors weren’t the only ones with this opinion. “I really had a great time at prom,” said Jack Marchesani ‘15. “It was a great way to send off the seniors, and both classes had an awesome night.”
Prom could not have been such a success without the hard work of the prom committee and its leaders, Ms. Zbrzeznj and Dr. Fry. The committee, “decided how the room would be set up, what was on the menu, and which songs to play throughout the duration of the dance,” said Pat Coffey, a junior at Malvern and member of the committee.
As for food, there was a great variety provided. Some of the options included roast beef, grilled chicken, pasta with alfredo sauce, mashed potatoes, and a vegetable medley. Many enjoyed the food and found it started the evening off right.
The committee provided its student body with great food, upbeat music, and an organized table layout. With the help of the committee as well as the spirit of the students, the prom will once again be remembered as a one of the highlights of the Malvern experience.